Thursday, October 8, 2009

Diamonds are a girls best friend!

My baby is growing soooo fast! It's been quite a while since I've updated my blog and her first year journal. Daily I've been coming up with different ideas of what to write about, but at the end of the day, when life calms down, I just don't have the thrive to write.

Well, I just could not pass up on this one...
We got our little girls ears pierced!

Now I know this is a touchy subject to some. A lot of people think it's terrible to do this to such a little girl. It all comes down to tradition on this one. My Nonna Franca (my mom's mom) pierced my ears when I was two months old (and that included a needle and string) so I wanted to pass this down to Solana. Leo wanted to buy his little princess her first diamonds so since he had to work my mom and I headed to People's Jewellers to pick out her first diamonds from daddy.

I was really nervous to do this. In one sense I wanted to follow tradition, plus I would MUCH rather her go through it when she's young, not able to pull on them and not remembering the pain. On the other hand, I was not looking forward to her reaction. As I mentioned in my last blog, she just got her 2 month shots, so I knew it would be similar.
Waiting for the big moment...

After some infants tylenol, orajel to numb her ears, and much coversation about which diamonds would look best, we went for it.

Mom held her bottle, while I held her close to me. The ladies took their positions and 1.... 2... 3!

Wow! That was no cry... that was a scream! I consoled her, and gave her a bottle and within minutes, she was smiling!

She looks absolutely gorgeous! Of course, I think she already did, but my little girl has just tranformed from my little monkey, to my little princess... BLING BLING!
Mommy and Solana: Before

Mommy and Solana: After

Later on that night
Now I MIGHT have to bring her in to get her left ear redone because it isn't centered (one of the drawbacks of doing both ears at once). We'll see...
NOTE TO SELF: When I read this a year from now, or when Solana does when she is older, I need to remember my moms reaction to it all. She has often admitted that when she looks at Solana she thinks she's looking at me. I catch her calling herself "mommy" sometimes too. You'd think I'd be annoyed by all this, but I'm not. It's sweet being able to watch them treat her the way I'm sure they did to me. Well at the piercing, she soooo badly wanted to hold her. From the moment we got there, to wanting Solana to be on her lap, and comforting her afterwards. I had to explain to her, that this is a moment in her life that she needs mommy. LOL! Too cute!

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