Thursday, October 22, 2009

Children See.... Children Do

Tonight I watched a public service announcement about children behaving the same way their parents do and it really hit home. Ever since Solana has come into my world I've done my best to think about her before acting. There have been so many decisions to make about her but also about myself. I have a daughter now... and EVERYTHING that I do affects her.

I've also recently come to the realization that somewhere along my way in my travel through life, I've lost my spunk. I used to not care. I used to stand up for myself, for my friends, and for my beliefs. I used to speak my mind, and not stand back and watch. I don't know when, and I don't know how, but it changed. I got scared. I started to sit back. Stay quiet. Keep my opinions to myself. Became shy. Was walked on.
But this little girl... all 12 lbs of her has brought it back out in me. I know that I've posted about this before, but she really does bring the best out in me, and that best is everything that I used to be, just wiser.
I want Solana to have a strong back bone. To be loyal to her family and friends. To dream big and follow those dreams no matter what obstacles are in the way. I want her to not care about what others think, but to care about others. I want her to know how beautiful she is inside and out, but not think that she's better than the person standing next to her. I want her to accept others, for who they are not what they could be. I want her to love hard and have a caring heart. I want her to see the good in people, even if it's hidden under layers. But at the same time, I want her to know when it's time to walk away, and realize, "I've given my best".

She has grown so much in the last couple of weeks, rolling over BOTH WAYS, giggling, recognizing those who are most important in her life right now. Although sleeping is hard to come by these days, I don't care, because everything I do affects her. I can't be grumpy in the morning because I'm tired, because she will be too. It's as simple as that. This is where it starts, and I have to keep carrying the torch until she carries it herself.
Happy 3 months little girl. Mommy loves you!

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