You know, everywhere I go, people are always talking to me about you. I'm sure the fact that I post so many pictures and video's of you on facebook lends a hand to that, but I just can't help it. I mean, we must be doing something right because you are such a happy little person! You are by far the funniest person that I have every met. You have such a big personality for such a little girl. You are kind and sensitive, yet you laugh when you fart (You must get that from your father).
It completely amazes me every single day how smart you are. I find myself saying "How did you do that!" on a daily basis!
Let's see...
- You are at the point now that you will no longer let me feed you. It's like you have this big girl personality when you are with me, as if to say "Mommy, I'm a big girl now"... yet with Daddy, it's as if you're saying "oh Daddy, just one more spoonful".
- My most favourite time of day is when you and I are cuddling in bed together. We usually take a morning nap together every day, and to watch you squirm awake, reach over to me, toss your head on my chest, and then look up and give me that signature smile, just melts my heart.
- You are a moving machine, and lately your favourite game is getting to the top of the stairs as quickly as you can! (you even get mad when you notice that we are holding on to your shirt, just in case).
- You play peek-a-boo through your playpen all the time, and you lift up your shirt so that we can give you razberries on your belly!
- You shake your head side to side as if saying NOOOOO, with a big ol' grin on your face.
- You love to eat! Carrots, peas, corn, and YOGURT are your favourites.
- You cry when I get frustrated with you, and then I give you a million mommy kisses to make up for it.
- You've also learned how to give your very own Solana kisses. Whether it's good morning kisses, or random "I need to stop playing so I can give momma a kiss" kiss, I cherish each one. Sometimes, when I'm pacing around the house talking on the phone with you on my hip, you'll continuously plant those open mouth kisses on my cheek. I can't help but giggle every time.
- And you talk! Oh how you TALK! And one day, I'll stop translating for you because I'll know exactly what you're saying :)
- You get so shy around people that you haven't seen for the last 24 hours which makes me think that you are a master of disguise ;)
- and did I mention that you laugh when you fart?
I think that was the first time that I had to let go, and watch you try it on your own. And you did great.
Lesson #1785 of motherhood: Let them try it on their own, and be there if it doesn't work out, but most important, be there when it does.
Our first Mother's Day is coming up and I'm truly starting to realize how lucky and blessed I am to have someone like you in my life. A daughter. I beautiful girl, who lets momma put headbands in her hair. I look forward to the day that I can braid your hair, and then the day that you will braid mine (I guess I'll have to work on growing it out first.)
I look forward to the day that you tell me about what your cousin Dallas did, or how you met your first best friend.
I look forward to the day that I watch Daddy give you a little push on your bike without the training wheels, and the day I put the bandage on your knee if you fall over.
I look forward to the day that I'll be laying in a boat, reading a book and catching some rays, while you and Daddy sing "here fishy, fishy", hooking worms onto a line.
I look forward to the day that I watch you sing in a school play, and the day that you tell me about your first crush.
I look forward to the day that you swim your first lap, score your first goal, get your first home run (or whatever you want to do).
I'll look forward to the day that you go to highschool, your first job, your first love.
I look forward to the day that you cry on my shoulder when a boy breaks your heart, and I'll tell you about my heart. (and then I'll send Daddy after him)
I can keep going... on and on and on and on. We are going to share so many laughs, so many cries, and so many stories. If you are this amazing now, I can just imagine how amazing you will be in all that you do.
Most importantly, I look forward to the nights that you and I will share, lying together in my bed, just as we do now. With you telling me a story about what's going on in your life, and I'll tell you one of mine.
I promise you this, Solana, I will do whatever it takes to have that relationship with you. You are the light of my soul. My sunshine. My heart. I can't imagine what life would be without you in it, and I cherish every minute of each day with you.
Thank you for making me such a happy mommy!
Love you baby girl!
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